How to Choose the Right Bariatric Procedure for You
The right bariatric procedure has the power to completely transform lives, and choosing a treatment is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. That’s why it’s essential to do your research into the different types of treatment available and find a solution that meets your own individual needs.
What’s right for one person may not be right for the next. Check out our handy guide below which outlines some of the most effective procedures, and highlights who could benefit from each option:
Intra-Gastric Balloon
Although this procedure is carried out by an upper GI surgeon, it is actually a non-surgical solution to weight loss. This makes it well suited to those who cannot undergo weight loss surgery, or do not wish to. As a temporary solution designed to last between 6 and 12 months, an intra-gastric balloon is often used to help kick start a healthier lifestyle, and can also be used to help reduce weight prior to surgery - either weight loss surgery or any other operation. Bariatric surgeons may be more open to performing this procedure on those with a lower BMI (usually 27+) as maximum weight loss is around 45%.
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy
Also known as the ‘gastric sleeve’, this procedure is well suited to those who struggle with symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. That’s because, unlike other forms of weight loss surgery, the digestive route isn’t affected, minimising the risk of exacerbating these symptoms. With typical weight loss between 60-70%, laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is best for those with more weight to lose and is usually offered to those with a BMI of 35 or more. This procedure creates permanent changes to the body which can help to reduce feelings of hunger, making it a good choice for those struggling with portion control.
Laparoscopic Roux en Y Gastric Bypass
For those with Type II diabetes, the gastric bypass can be a very effective option. That’s because this type of surgery helps to regulate hormone secretion, often to a degree that diabetes can enter into remission. Acid reflux can also be treated through the laparoscopic roux en y gastric bypass, as the digestive route is simplified, going straight from stomach to bowel. While all bariatric procedures require ongoing lifestyle changes in order to be successful, this procedure especially is best for those committed to long term change, as it can increase the risk of nutritional deficiencies sparking a need for a very healthy diet.
Laparoscopic Mini Gastric Bypass
The mini bypass is often recommended to those struggling with portion control especially as the procedure limits the amount of food that the stomach can hold, resulting in longer feelings of fullness. This is a procedure that’s also particularly notable for its ability to alleviate symptoms of obesity-related conditions such as Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, joint pain, and sleep apnoea, as it often results in very significant and rapid weight loss. In fact, the laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass can help patients lose up to 75% of excess weight; that’s 5% more than is typically seen through the full gastric bypass.
The research doesn’t stop there…
Choosing the right procedure isn’t enough. Not every bariatric surgeon - and not every weight-loss facility - were made equal. Along with researching procedures, it’s also important to research surgeons and clinics. Look for clinics that demonstrate a strong commitment to delivering safe and effective outcomes through state-of-the-art equipment, and which are supported by specialist dietitians for ongoing post-surgery support, like OxBariatric. Led by Oxford University Hospitals’ Lead Consultant Bariatric Surgeon Mr Bruno Sgromo, the OxBariatric team is dedicated to safety and success.
Get in touch with the OxBariatric team to learn more about the weight loss treatments we offer.