Minimally Invasive Oesophagectomy (MIO)
MIO is a huge step forward in the treatment of oesophageal cancer as it reduces the surgical trauma, avoiding big surgical incisions to the abdomen and to the chest wall.
Cancer of the oesophagus (food pipe or gullet) and stomach has, for many years, been amongst the most difficult cancers to treat. Historically, prognosis has been poor, with around 15-35% of patients surviving for 5 years after diagnosis.
The incidence of these cancers is increasing mainly due to obesity and acid reflux.
The long-term outcomes for cancers of the oesophagus and stomach are improving thanks to more aggressive treatment plans that include chemotherapy or chemo-radiotherapy, followed by surgery.
Long term survival is now achieved in over 50% of patients (all stages).
The improved long term outcomes are also the result of improved surgical techniques in the form of minimally invasive oesophagectomy (MIO).
Mr Bruno Sgromo specialises in minimally invasive surgery of the upperGI tract and has performed >1000 major upper gastrointestinal operations with key hole surgery.
What are the advantages of minimally invasive oesophagectomy (MIO)?
- Smaller incisions mean less pain.
- Better and faster recovery time. Regain your quality of life and put behind you as much as possible the diagnosis of cancer.
- The median length of stay in hospital following treatment is 9 days.
- The effects of MIO will be the same as after open surgery and the published data shows that the oncological outcomes are at least as good as after open surgery.
Think about the following prior to the procedure
Get active - walking a little further each day will help you to prepare for surgery and will help you feel positive. Try to aim for short walks totalling 30 minutes.
Eat healthier - think about the food you are consuming. Eating well can help to support your immune system and give you the strength needed to recover from surgery.
Stop smoking - as well as the general health risks, research has shown that smokers are more likely to experience complications during and following surgery.
Stop drinking alcohol - alcohol can reduce heart function and cause mild dehydration.
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