Oxford’s leading Upper Gastrointestinal and Bariatric specialist
Mr Bruno Sgromo is an experienced Upper Gastrointestinal and Bariatric Surgeon operating from Nuffield Health, The Manor Hospital in Oxford.
Embarking upon the bariatric surgery journey is an important lifestyle decision for both you and your family. Bruno Sgromo and the OxBariatric team is here to support you with the important decisions you will need to make.

What we do

Individually Tailored
Every patient will receive a personalised treatment plan
What we do

Proven Track
Bruno Sgromo has performed hundreds of successful Bariatric operations over the last decade.

Patients will be recommended the most suitable treatment for their situation, sometimes no treatment will be recommended.
State-of-the-Art Facilities.
The facilities and on-site support services at The Nuffield Health, Manor Hospital enable consultants to undertake a wide range of procedures from routine investigations to complex surgery. Committed to delivering safe and compassionate care every thanks to dedicated nursing staff, high dependency and intensive care beds, The Manor has an international reputation for excellence and providing premium service to all patients.
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